I'm a linguist. Most of my work on a daily basis centers around words, now in two languages. I teach English, I translate songs, I sing...its all based on words.

I'm the greatest critic of songs....secular and sacred. I demand perfection and highest regard for both types. I'm a critic of the cliche, the over used, the sadly sung, whether about love or God.

So, when I heard the simple song...You never fail me...I was the critic, and didn't really like it. It was too simplistic, too...well, not good enough for this linguist.

However, today, I've changed my mind. Worrying like I tend to about money, earthly things, a friend told me, "God won't fail you"....and suddenly, I understood the song.

It says,
You never fail me,
You never fail me Lord
You never fail me Lord
You are good, always.

God's not going to fail me. I know that...but sometimes I need to sing this song to remind myself of that...and to show the Lord that I trust him. He's not going to pull the rug out from underneath me. He got us here to Spain, He's going to keep us here....money is only money...and he's never failed me in this area, why should I think He's going to change?

So, yes, the forever critic has changed her mind. Sometimes, a simple song, is a constant reminder of how the Great I Am is always good, and never failing.


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