I know that I've not written on this for a long time, and that I've had a couple of friends ask for a new post. I've geuninely tried. I've done a lot of thinking, washing dishes, taking a shower, swimming laps at the pool (why does all my thinking have to be associated with water?) and I've yet to come up with some words that when pulled together tie up the last six months of feeling, thinking, crying, praying, or not being able to pray, as grief has taken a toll on my husband and his family, and on me as well. Grief is a journey, most of the time you in which you keep asking yourself the question, "Are we there yet?" or better yet like the Spanish kids ask.."How much is left?" I think that's an interesting question, "How much is left..." because its not really asking have we finished the journey, but how much more do we have to go. And that's what its felt like... There are moments, where that's all we've been able to f...