The last two weeks have been like seeing a car accident every morning and not being able to look away. Andrew and I have a new house rule, no speaking of current political events until we both have coffee in our hands in the morning. We find ourselves reading, talking, disecting and wondering at what is going to happen next.

Someone wrote on their wall on Facebook that they had interacted with AI about the teachings of Jesus and if they were compatible with Christian Nationalism. AI said no.

I have always been deeply facinated with politics. My Juinor year of high school, we did video school (before online stuff existed) and my civics class was fascinating as we learned about how the US government worked. The teacher was passionate about the subject and we who watched it became intrigued as well.

But the longer I live, and live away from the US, the less I understand. I told a client yesterday that it used to be a law that the Brits weren't permitted to vote after living 15 years away from their homeland. I used to not understand it, but after living that life, I kind of get it. You don't recognize your country anymore, even though we have TV, internet, and all the social webs to keep up with things.

I'm traditionally an apolitical person on my social media. Its not worth my energy. I believe as the Queen Elizabeth did, I'm allowed this things privately, and in person, I'm more than happy to talk to you.

But, with the current freedom of expression allotted me in this forum, I will state here, that what I see happening with racism, discrimination, a reach for control I've never lived in, a disregard to take care of the poor, is overwhelmingly sad to me. I am grieved.

And these last two weeks feel like a prolonged period of grief. Grief of a before and after.

It feels like what happened to Andrew and I a week ago, is a good metaphor of what's happening now. Andrew told me he smelled mold. I didn't believe him. But I pulled things away from floors and walls in my bedroom and there it was, black and smelly and growing wild. We have had to clean, throw things out, scrape it off, disinfect, and now paint. A new bed frame has been acquired, and hopefully tomorrow night we will finally have a new, clean bedroom.

Its like in our culture we've ignored the smell of mold too long, and suddenly the last two weeks, the furniture got pulled back and darnit, there it is. Unless we all together do things to stem the growth, its just gonna make us sicker and sicker, like the mold made Andrew and I the last few months and we didn't know what it was.

Live humbly. Walk in justice. Stand up to the bullies. Take care of the migrants, the poor, the oppressed. Demonstrate if you must, but always without violence. Love, above all love your neighbor and neighborhood as you love yourself. Take care of yours, and make sure your circle gets a little bigger in these days as you choose to love more and more. This is Jesus's teaching, and it doesn't matter with Ceaser rules at the time, these ways He calls us to, never change.

And pray with me, Deliver us from Evil.


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