This continues in the theme of important events throughout the last four years. This is in no way in chronological order, but this is just another event that God used in both Andrew and my lives.

Two and a half years ago, Andrew and I had been officially voted in by the church to work with the youth, alongside the pastor's wife Esther. One of the young ladies, a doctorate student in the university of Granada, suggested that we attend a youth conference called ContraCorriente, which means, Against the flow.

Founded by Pastor Mark Jobe, an American who grew us as a Spanish MK, this youth conference is a sort of mini Urbana or Passion conference, directed at Spanish youth. 2 years ago it was held in a town called Priego de Cordoba, about 2 hours away from Granada in the middle of rolling hills covered in millions of olive trees.

We had speakers, music, concerts, workshops and more. We camped that weekend, and our tent and cooking spot because the hang out spot for not only the 5 youth we brought to the conference, but to other people that became new friends. Andrew seems to always attract missionary kids, they love to find him and pour out their hearts. He did a lot of informal counseling that weekend.

But, I get ahead of myself. There were a number of speakers, and Mark Jobe spoke on healing and letting Jesus heal you. I had been dealing with a lot of grief and pain from my grandmothers death and the stamp she had had on my life. As he spoke and then prayed, I felt the Lord working in my heart. I ended sitting on the floor for a long time (no chairs in the venue) and just praying for healing. I believe a lot happened there for me.

And for Andrew, there was a speaker that was an American, raised in the UK, that now has his own band. The band was incredible, and even though they didn't speak or sing any Spanish, the power of God was evident in the band, and also in his sermon.

He spoke simply on being salt and light, and told us how he had been able to be salt and light. He and his band are willing to go into bars and pubs into the darkest corners of the UK, and sing about Jesus in striking and honest way. His sermon was powerful and Andrew said, "I want to be the salt and light as I share the gospel. I want to be the salt, that disappears and brings out the God flavor in others." These statements from Trey's sermon both struck us, and as the last two years have unfolded, we've endeavored to do so in every aspect of live that has been thrown at us.

And the five youth, what happened to them? They were so encouraged by the fact that over 500 youth from around Spain had gathered together. To you, that sounds like a small number, but to us here in Spain, this is huge. Guille, the pastors son, got so excited seeing the different creative events, that he started a step group. This is a specific type of dance that uses body percussion, stamping, clapping and other elements. This group is called Paso a Paso, and they have now perfomed numerous times in Granada and other places, all to bring glory to God. The reactions they receive when they street perform are amazing, they always have a crowd, and afterwards they pause and give glory to God.

This is just the beginning of the results we've seen from one little conference.We were greatly encouraged as were the youth, and our faith grew so much, that we lost our shame in the Gospel. Pray for us as now, we share the gospel wherever we go, that we will be like Light, shining through the darkness and like Salt, disappearing and bringing out the God flavor in others.


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